home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* AlgoWaveTableObject.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "AlgoWaveTableObject.h"
- #include "AlgoWaveTableList.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "CodeCenter.h"
- #include "PcodeStack.h"
- #include "PcodeSystem.h"
- #include "FixedPoint.h"
- #include "MainWindowStuff.h"
- #include "Alert.h"
- #include "Numbers.h"
- #include "AlgoWaveTableWindow.h"
- #include "WaveTableStorage.h"
- #include "CompilerRoot.h"
- #include "FunctionCode.h"
- #include "BufferedFileInput.h"
- #include "BufferedFileOutput.h"
- struct AlgoWaveTableObjectRec
- {
- MyBoolean DataModified;
- char* Name;
- char* AlgoWaveTableFormula;
- MyBoolean NeedsToBeRebuilt;
- WaveTableStorageRec* WaveTableData; /* NIL if not built */
- NumBitsType NumBits;
- long NumFrames;
- long NumTables;
- AlgoWaveTableWindowRec* AlgoWaveTableWindow;
- struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter;
- struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow;
- AlgoWaveTableListRec* AlgoWaveTableList;
- short SavedWindowXLoc;
- short SavedWindowYLoc;
- short SavedWindowWidth;
- short SavedWindowHeight;
- };
- /* allocate and create a new algorithmic wave table */
- AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* NewAlgoWaveTableObject(struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter,
- struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow,
- struct AlgoWaveTableListRec* AlgoWaveTableList)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj;
- AlgoWaveTableObj = (AlgoWaveTableObjectRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(
- sizeof(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec),"AlgoWaveTableObjectRec");
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return AlgoWaveTableObj;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->Name = StringToBlockCopy("untitled");
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->Name == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)AlgoWaveTableObj);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula = StringToBlockCopy(
- "# frames : integer; tables : integer; data : fixedarray\x0a");
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint3:
- ReleasePtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->Name);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = False;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = True;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData = NIL;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumBits = eSample16bit;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumFrames = 256;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumTables = 256;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow = NIL;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->CodeCenter = CodeCenter;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->MainWindow = MainWindow;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableList = AlgoWaveTableList;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowXLoc = 0;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowYLoc = 0;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowWidth = 0;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowHeight = 0;
- return AlgoWaveTableObj;
- }
- /* dispose of all data structures associated with wave table */
- void DisposeAlgoWaveTableObject(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- DisposeAlgoWaveTableWindow(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- ERROR(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "DisposeAlgoWaveTableObject: window thing not NIL after disposing"));
- }
- ReleasePtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->Name);
- ReleasePtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData != NIL)
- {
- DisposeWaveTableStorage(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData);
- }
- ReleasePtr((char*)AlgoWaveTableObj);
- }
- /* find out if any changes have been made to it */
- MyBoolean HasAlgoWaveTableObjectBeenModified(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified
- || HasAlgoWaveTableWindowBeenModified(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- else
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified;
- }
- }
- static FunctionParamRec ArgList[] =
- {
- {"frames",eInteger},
- {"tables",eInteger},
- {"data",eArrayOfFixed}
- };
- #define ARGLISTLENGTH (sizeof(ArgList) / sizeof(ArgList[0]))
- /* rebuild the wave table and return True if successful */
- MyBoolean AlgoWaveTableObjectBuild(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- char* Blob;
- PcodeRec* FuncCode;
- CompileErrors Error;
- long LineNumber;
- ParamStackRec* ParamList;
- EvalErrors OtherError;
- OpcodeRec* ErrorOpcode;
- long OffendingInstruction;
- DataTypes ReturnType;
- char* Buffer;
- largefixedsigned* Middle;
- long Limit;
- long Scan;
- long NumberOfTablesInIt;
- long TotalFrameCount;
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- /* make sure we are unbuilt */
- AlgoWaveTableObjectUnbuild(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- ERROR(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData != NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AlgoWaveTableObjectBuild: unbuilt object but it still exists"));
- /* bring the world up to date */
- if (!MainWindowMakeUpToDateFunctions(AlgoWaveTableObj->MainWindow))
- {
- return False;
- }
- /* allocate the new wave table thing */
- AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData = NewWaveTableStorage(
- AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumBits(AlgoWaveTableObj),
- AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObj));
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData == NIL)
- {
- FailurePointNegative1:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to compile the algorithmic "
- "wave table generator function.",NIL);
- }
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObj); Scan += 1)
- {
- if (!WaveTableStorageAppendEntry(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData))
- {
- FailurePoint0:
- DisposeWaveTableStorage(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData);
- goto FailurePointNegative1;
- }
- }
- /* prepare the text blob to be evaluated */
- Blob = AlgoWaveTableObjectGetFormulaCopy(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (Blob == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- goto FailurePoint0;
- }
- /* perform compilation */
- Error = CompileSpecialFunction(ArgList,ARGLISTLENGTH,&LineNumber,
- &ReturnType,Blob,&FuncCode);
- ReleasePtr(Blob);
- /* show the error message if there is one */
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- if (!AlgoWaveTableObjectOpenWindow(AlgoWaveTableObj))
- {
- AlertHalt("A compile error occurred but there is not enough "
- "memory available to display the error message.",NIL);
- return False;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableWindowHiliteLine(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow,LineNumber - 1);
- AlertHalt("A compile error occurred: _",GetCompileErrorString(Error));
- return False;
- }
- /* try to evaluate the code */
- ParamList = NewParamStack();
- if (ParamList == NIL)
- {
- SecondFailurePoint1:
- DisposePcode(FuncCode);
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to evaluate the algorithmic "
- "wave table generator function.",NIL);
- return False;
- }
- /* add a space for the return value */
- if (!AddIntegerToStack(ParamList,0))
- {
- SecondFailurePoint2:
- DisposeParamStack(ParamList);
- goto SecondFailurePoint1;
- }
- /* add the special parameters (SymbolStack order MUST be the same */
- /* order as that used for the Parameterlist) */
- if (!AddIntegerToStack(ParamList,AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObj)))
- {
- goto SecondFailurePoint2;
- }
- if (!AddIntegerToStack(ParamList,AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObj)))
- {
- goto SecondFailurePoint2;
- }
- Buffer = AllocPtrCanFail(AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObj)
- * AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObj)
- * sizeof(largefixedsigned),"degeneratesample");
- if (Buffer == NIL)
- {
- goto SecondFailurePoint2;
- }
- Limit = PtrSize(Buffer);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- Buffer[Scan] = 0;
- }
- if (!AddArrayToStack(ParamList,Buffer))
- {
- ReleasePtr(Buffer);
- goto SecondFailurePoint2;
- }
- /* executing the actual code */
- OtherError = EvaluatePcode(ParamList,FuncCode,
- AlgoWaveTableObj->CodeCenter,&ErrorOpcode,&OffendingInstruction,
- AlgoWaveTableObj->MainWindow,
- &MainWindowGetSampleLeftCopy,&MainWindowGetSampleRightCopy,
- &MainWindowGetSampleMonoCopy,&MainWindowGetWaveTableFrameCount,
- &MainWindowGetWaveTableTableCount,&MainWindowGetWaveTableArray);
- DisposePcode(FuncCode);
- if (OtherError != eEvalNoError)
- {
- char* FuncNameString;
- FuncCodeRec* ErrorFunction;
- MyBoolean SuccessFlag;
- /* present error message */
- AlgoWaveTableObjectOpenWindow(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- SuccessFlag = False;
- ErrorFunction = GetFunctionFromOpcode(AlgoWaveTableObj->CodeCenter,ErrorOpcode);
- if (ErrorFunction == NIL)
- {
- FuncNameString = StringToBlockCopy("<anonymous>");
- }
- else
- {
- FuncNameString = CopyPtr(GetFunctionName(ErrorFunction));
- }
- if (FuncNameString != NIL)
- {
- char* Key;
- Key = StringToBlockCopy("_");
- if (Key != NIL)
- {
- char* BaseMessage;
- BaseMessage = StringFromRaw("Error in function _, instruction _: _");
- if (BaseMessage != NIL)
- {
- char* FixedMessage1;
- FixedMessage1 = ReplaceBlockCopy(BaseMessage,Key,FuncNameString);
- if (FixedMessage1 != NIL)
- {
- char* NumberStr;
- NumberStr = IntegerToString(OffendingInstruction);
- if (NumberStr != NIL)
- {
- char* FixedMessage2;
- FixedMessage2 = ReplaceBlockCopy(FixedMessage1,Key,NumberStr);
- if (FixedMessage2 != NIL)
- {
- AlertHalt(FixedMessage2,GetPcodeErrorMessage(OtherError));
- SuccessFlag = True;
- ReleasePtr(FixedMessage2);
- }
- ReleasePtr(NumberStr);
- }
- ReleasePtr(FixedMessage1);
- }
- ReleasePtr(BaseMessage);
- }
- ReleasePtr(Key);
- }
- ReleasePtr(FuncNameString);
- }
- if (!SuccessFlag)
- {
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to show the "
- "compile error message.",NIL);
- }
- DisposeParamStack(ParamList);
- return False;
- }
- /* add the new data */
- Middle = (largefixedsigned*)GetStackArray(ParamList,3);
- if (Middle == NIL)
- {
- AlertHalt("NIL array returned from algorithmic wave table function.",NIL);
- RebuildFailurePoint1:
- DisposeParamStack(ParamList);
- DisposeWaveTableStorage(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData);
- AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData = NIL;
- AlgoWaveTableObjectOpenWindow(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- return False;
- }
- ERROR(PtrSize((char*)Middle) % sizeof(largefixedsigned) != 0,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"AlgoWaveTableObjectBuild: array alignment error"));
- NumberOfTablesInIt = AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- TotalFrameCount = AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if ((PtrSize((char*)Middle) / sizeof(largefixedsigned))
- != NumberOfTablesInIt * TotalFrameCount)
- {
- AlertHalt("Algorithmic wave table function returned array of wrong size.",NIL);
- RebuildFailurePoint2:
- goto RebuildFailurePoint1;
- }
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < NumberOfTablesInIt; Scan += 1)
- {
- long Index;
- for (Index = 0; Index < TotalFrameCount; Index += 1)
- {
- WaveTableStorageSetFrame(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData,Scan,Index,
- Middle[(Scan * TotalFrameCount) + Index]);
- }
- }
- DisposeParamStack(ParamList);
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = False;
- return True;
- }
- /* remove the wave table data */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectUnbuild(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData != NIL)
- {
- DisposeWaveTableStorage(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData);
- AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData = NIL;
- }
- }
- /* rebuild the wave table if it hasn't been built and return success flag */
- MyBoolean AlgoWaveTableObjectMakeUpToDate(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if ((AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData == NIL) || (AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt)
- || (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL))
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableObjectBuild(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- }
- else
- {
- return True;
- }
- }
- /* get a copy of the name of this object */
- char* AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNameCopy(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- char* NameTemp;
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- NameTemp = AlgoWaveTableWindowGetNameCopy(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- else
- {
- NameTemp = CopyPtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->Name);
- }
- if (NameTemp != NIL)
- {
- SetTag(NameTemp,"AlgoWaveTableNameCopy");
- }
- return NameTemp;
- }
- /* install a new name on the object. the object becomes owner of the name, so */
- /* the caller should not dispose of it. */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectNewName(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- char* Name)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- CheckPtrExistence(Name);
- ReleasePtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->Name);
- SetTag(Name,"AlgoWaveTableName");
- AlgoWaveTableObj->Name = Name;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = True;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = True;
- AlgoWaveTableListAlgoWaveTableNameChanged(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableList,
- AlgoWaveTableObj);
- }
- /* get a copy of the formula that computes the algorithmic wave table */
- char* AlgoWaveTableObjectGetFormulaCopy(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- char* TextCopy;
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- TextCopy = AlgoWaveTableWindowGetFormulaCopy(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- else
- {
- TextCopy = CopyPtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula);
- }
- if (TextCopy != NIL)
- {
- SetTag(TextCopy,"AlgoWaveTableFormulaCopy");
- }
- return TextCopy;
- }
- /* install a new formula for the algorithmic wave table. the object becomes the */
- /* owner of the memory block so the caller should not dispose of it. */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectNewFormula(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- char* Formula)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- CheckPtrExistence(Formula);
- ReleasePtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula);
- SetTag(Formula,"AlgoWaveTableFormula");
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula = Formula;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = True;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = True;
- }
- /* find out how many bits are in each sample frame */
- NumBitsType AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumBits(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableWindowGetNumBits(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- else
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableObj->NumBits;
- }
- }
- /* install a new number of bits in the object. */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectPutNumBits(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- NumBitsType NewNumBits)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- AlgoWaveTableObjectUnbuild(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- ERROR((NewNumBits != eSample16bit) && (NewNumBits != eSample8bit),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"AlgoWaveTableObjectPutNumBits: bad value"));
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumBits = NewNumBits;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = True;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = True;
- }
- /* find out how many frames there are per table */
- long AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableWindowGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- else
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableObj->NumTables;
- }
- }
- /* set the number of tables in the wave table */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectPutNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- long NumTables)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- AlgoWaveTableObjectUnbuild(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (NumTables < 0)
- {
- NumTables = 0;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumTables = NumTables;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = True;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = True;
- }
- /* get number of frames in each table */
- long AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableWindowGetNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- else
- {
- return AlgoWaveTableObj->NumFrames;
- }
- }
- /* set the number of frames in each table */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectPutNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- long NumFrames)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- AlgoWaveTableObjectUnbuild(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumFrames = NumFrames;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = True;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = True;
- }
- /* get a raw slice of data from the wave table. if the wave table is modified, */
- /* this pointer becomes invalid. */
- char* AlgoWaveTableObjectGetRawSlice(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- long AlgoWaveTableIndex)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- ERROR((AlgoWaveTableIndex < 0) || (AlgoWaveTableIndex
- > AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObj)),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AlgoWaveTableObjectGetRawSlice: table index is out of range"));
- return (char*)WaveTableStorageGetTable(AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData,
- AlgoWaveTableIndex);
- }
- /* make the wave table open it's editor window */
- MyBoolean AlgoWaveTableObjectOpenWindow(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow == NIL)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow
- = NewAlgoWaveTableWindow(AlgoWaveTableObj->MainWindow,
- AlgoWaveTableObj,AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableList,
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowXLoc,AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowYLoc,
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowWidth,AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowHeight);
- }
- else
- {
- AlgoWaveTableWindowBringToTop(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- return (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL);
- }
- /* notify the object that the editor window is closing. the object should */
- /* not take any action. */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectClosingWindowNotify(
- AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- short NewX, short NewY, short NewWidth, short NewHeight)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- ERROR(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AlgoWaveTableObjectClosingWindowNotify: window not open"));
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow = NIL;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowXLoc = NewX;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowYLoc = NewY;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowWidth = NewWidth;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowHeight = NewHeight;
- }
- /* the document's name has changed, so we need to update the window */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectGlobalNameChange(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec*
- AlgoWaveTableObj, char* NewFilename)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableWindowGlobalNameChange(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow,
- NewFilename);
- }
- }
- /* Algorithmic Wave Table Object Subblock Format: */
- /* 1-byte format version number */
- /* should be 1 */
- /* 2-byte little endian window X position (signed; origin at top-left corner) */
- /* 2-byte little endian window Y position */
- /* 2-byte little endian window width */
- /* 2-byte little endian window height */
- /* 4-byte little endian name length descriptor */
- /* n-byte name string (line feed = 0x0a) */
- /* 4-byte little endian formula length descriptor */
- /* n-byte formula string (line feed = 0x0a) */
- /* 4-byte little endian number of frames */
- /* should be an integral power of 2 in the interval 2..65536 */
- /* 4-byte little endian number of tables */
- /* 1-byte number of bits */
- /* should be either 8 or 16 */
- /* read in an object from the file. */
- FileLoadingErrors AlgoWaveTableObjectNewFromFile(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec** ObjectOut,
- struct BufferedInputRec* Input, struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter,
- struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow,
- struct AlgoWaveTableListRec* AlgoWaveTableList)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj;
- unsigned char UnsignedChar;
- signed long SignedLong;
- signed short SignedShort;
- FileLoadingErrors Error;
- CheckPtrExistence(Input);
- CheckPtrExistence(CodeCenter);
- CheckPtrExistence(MainWindow);
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableList);
- AlgoWaveTableObj = (AlgoWaveTableObjectRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(
- sizeof(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec),"AlgoWaveTableObjectRec");
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj == NIL)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- FailurePoint1:
- return Error;
- }
- /* 1-byte format version number */
- /* should be 1 */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&UnsignedChar))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)AlgoWaveTableObj);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- if (UnsignedChar != 1)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint3:
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- /* 2-byte little endian window X position (signed; origin at top-left corner) */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Input,&SignedShort))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint4:
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowXLoc = SignedShort;
- /* 2-byte little endian window Y position */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Input,&SignedShort))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint5:
- goto FailurePoint4;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowYLoc = SignedShort;
- /* 2-byte little endian window width */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Input,&SignedShort))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint6:
- goto FailurePoint5;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowWidth = SignedShort;
- /* 2-byte little endian window height */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Input,&SignedShort))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint7:
- goto FailurePoint6;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowHeight = SignedShort;
- /* 4-byte little endian name length descriptor */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint8:
- goto FailurePoint7;
- }
- if (SignedLong < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint9:
- goto FailurePoint8;
- }
- /* n-byte name string (line feed = 0x0a) */
- AlgoWaveTableObj->Name = AllocPtrCanFail(SignedLong,"AlgoWaveTableObjectRec: name");
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->Name == NIL)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- FailurePoint10:
- goto FailurePoint9;
- }
- if (!ReadBufferedInput(Input,SignedLong,AlgoWaveTableObj->Name))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint11:
- ReleasePtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->Name);
- goto FailurePoint10;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian formula length descriptor */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint12:
- goto FailurePoint11;
- }
- if (SignedLong < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint13:
- goto FailurePoint12;
- }
- /* n-byte formula string (line feed = 0x0a) */
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula = AllocPtrCanFail(SignedLong,
- "AlgoWaveTableObjectRec: formula");
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula == NIL)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- FailurePoint14:
- goto FailurePoint13;
- }
- if (!ReadBufferedInput(Input,SignedLong,AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint15:
- ReleasePtr(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableFormula);
- goto FailurePoint14;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian number of frames */
- /* should be an integral power of 2 between 2 and 65536 */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint16:
- goto FailurePoint15;
- }
- if ((SignedLong != 2) && (SignedLong != 4) && (SignedLong != 8)
- && (SignedLong != 16) && (SignedLong != 32) && (SignedLong != 64)
- && (SignedLong != 128) && (SignedLong != 256) && (SignedLong != 512)
- && (SignedLong != 1024) && (SignedLong != 2048) && (SignedLong != 4096)
- && (SignedLong != 8192) && (SignedLong != 16384) && (SignedLong != 32768)
- && (SignedLong != 65536))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint17:
- goto FailurePoint16;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumFrames = SignedLong;
- /* 4-byte little endian number of tables */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint18:
- goto FailurePoint17;
- }
- if (SignedLong < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint19:
- goto FailurePoint18;
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumTables = SignedLong;
- /* 1-byte number of bits */
- /* should be either 8 or 16 */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&UnsignedChar))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint20:
- goto FailurePoint19;
- }
- if (UnsignedChar == 8)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumBits = eSample8bit;
- }
- else if (UnsignedChar == 16)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NumBits = eSample16bit;
- }
- else
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint21:
- goto FailurePoint20;
- }
- /* fill in the other fields */
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = False;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->NeedsToBeRebuilt = True;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->WaveTableData = NIL;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow = NIL;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->CodeCenter = CodeCenter;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->MainWindow = MainWindow;
- AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableList = AlgoWaveTableList;
- *ObjectOut = AlgoWaveTableObj;
- return eFileLoadNoError;
- }
- /* write the object out to the file. */
- FileLoadingErrors AlgoWaveTableObjectWriteDataOut(
- AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj,
- struct BufferedOutputRec* Output)
- {
- char* StringTemp;
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- CheckPtrExistence(Output);
- /* 1-byte format version number */
- /* should be 1 */
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 2-byte little endian window X position (signed; origin at top-left corner) */
- /* note that if the window is open when the file is saved, then the most recent */
- /* coordinates of the window will not be used. */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Output,AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowXLoc))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 2-byte little endian window Y position */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Output,AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowYLoc))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 2-byte little endian window width */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Output,AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowWidth))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 2-byte little endian window height */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedShortLittleEndian(Output,AlgoWaveTableObj->SavedWindowHeight))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian name length descriptor */
- StringTemp = AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNameCopy(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- return eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- }
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp)))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* n-byte name string (line feed = 0x0a) */
- if (!WriteBufferedOutput(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp),StringTemp))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- /* 4-byte little endian formula length descriptor */
- StringTemp = AlgoWaveTableObjectGetFormulaCopy(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- return eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- }
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp)))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* n-byte formula string (line feed = 0x0a) */
- if (!WriteBufferedOutput(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp),StringTemp))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- /* 4-byte little endian number of frames */
- /* should be an integral power of 2 between 2 and 65536 */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,
- AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumFrames(AlgoWaveTableObj)))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian number of tables */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,
- AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumTables(AlgoWaveTableObj)))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 1-byte number of bits */
- /* should be either 8 or 16 */
- switch (AlgoWaveTableObjectGetNumBits(AlgoWaveTableObj))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"AlgoWaveTableObjectWriteDataOut: bad num bits"));
- break;
- case eSample8bit:
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,8))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- break;
- case eSample16bit:
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,16))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- break;
- }
- return eFileLoadNoError;
- }
- /* mark algorithmic wave table object as saved */
- void AlgoWaveTableObjectMarkAsSaved(AlgoWaveTableObjectRec* AlgoWaveTableObj)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(AlgoWaveTableObj);
- if (AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow != NIL)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableWindowWritebackModifiedData(AlgoWaveTableObj->AlgoWaveTableWindow);
- }
- AlgoWaveTableObj->DataModified = False;
- }